Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Tomorrow is the last day of my Moses Bible Study.

It has been a sweet journey through the books of Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus & Deuteronomy.

There is one lesson that stands out above the many I have learned and that is of Mount Sinai. God called Moses to climb that mountain several times and he was an 80 year old man. I have climbed mountains before and it can be very, very hard, treacherous work. Once when I was in Jr. High we even got lost on a mountain. We wandered aimlessly in circles till dusk. God has reminded me that the journey with him can be steep and hard. There are streams along the way and places to stop and rest. Some days the journey seems to be utterly and completely uphill. And He has reminded me that He is ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS waiting at the top of the mountain with a fresh word for me. He is with me on the journey. A path has been laid before me and he will show me which way to step.

"...the priests entered regularly into the outer room to carry on their ministry. But only the high priest entered the inner room, and that only once a year..." Heb. 9:6-7 When I read that I thought, "Am I content to regularly enter the outer room, or am I making the sacrifice of time to enter the inner room-the Most Holy Place?"

The breath of God is sweet.
It is an all consuming fire. This is what God has taught me through the study of Moses.
I am a warrior. (Ex 15:3)
I will fight for you, you need only be still. (Ex 14:14)
I can make the surging waters stand firm like a wall. (Ex 15:8)
I alone can make the bitterness sweet. (Ex 15:25)
I am the one who heals you. (Ex 15:26)
You have seen how I carried you on eagle's wings and brought you to myself. (Ex 19:4)
I know you by name. (Ex 33:17)
Even during plowing season and harvest you must rest. (Ex 34:21)
You must distinguish between the holy and the common. (Lev. 10:10)
Deny yourself. (Lev 23:27)
Rest. (Lev 23:32)
I will never betray my faithfulness to you. (Ps. 89:33)
I will lead you. (Num 14:8)
Do not rebel. (Num 14:9)
Do not be afraid. (Num 14:9)
I can make a dead piece of wood sprout, bud, blossom and produce almonds. (Num 17:8)
I have given you the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Complete covering of righteousness and freedom through the blood of Jesus. Access to the Living Word-the bread of life. (Num 18:12)
I listen to you. (Num 21:3)
I will give you a mind that understands. Eyes that see and ears that hear. (Deut 29:4)
Hold fast to me. (Deut 30:20)
My everlasting arms protect you and will catch you when you fall. I am your safety net. (Deut 33:27)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Bride & Groom

I have a race marked out specifically for you. It is the direction I have purposed for your life. When you look around at who is running beside you you may see similarities but do not compare. Satan wants you to look around, compare, and become disheartened. Do not loose heart.

Think about weddings I have allowed you to witness. When the doors fling wide open there are two people in the room who command attention. The Bride & The Groom. In that instant everything else fades away. The debate over whether or not you left the coffee pot on. Your hurt that is still fresh in your heart. Your questions over the big decision that is looming on the forefront of your thoughts.

Your eyes engage on one of two people. You either look at the bride as she walks down the aisle or you look to the groom to enjoy the sheer joy and wonder of the look on his face. And for those 15 seconds nothing else in the world matters. All your cares fade away.

Beloved, I am your Groom and you are my Bride. I want you to fix your eyes on me today. Fix your eyes on me so that everything can fade away in My Presence.

Hebrews 12:1-2, Hebrews 12: 12-13, Proverbs 4:25-26