Monday, June 13, 2011

Are you Distinct?

Distinct.  Recognizably different.  Phyically seperate.

I ran across this video on YouTube and it is eye-opening.  There is a battle for our young men.  I am raising three of my own and we've worked with hundreds over the years.  I've heard the college guys share about their struggles with the ladies at college relationship seminars. The struggle is real. 

"Have your Dad screen your wardrobe.  Ask him how you can choose holiness over worldliness."  This is a powerful quote.  Our husbands and fathers in our homes have been given to us by God  for an umbrella of protection.  As the heads of the households they are accountable to God for how they lead.  The authority has been given to them.  If you want to enjoy living under the umbrella of God's ordained safety net for you and your children, listen to what your husband says, especially when it comes to clothing.

Being Holy and set apart does not come without sacrifice.  It is a sacrifice to keep searching and searching and searching for that perfect cute outfit that is super cute and still modest.  The temptation is to make excuses.  It takes sacrifice to dress in a manner that honors God and honors men.

As a mom of 3 young boys my prayer for their battle against temptation has already begun.  It is difficult when, even in the church, I see young ladies dressed in revealing clothes.  They bend over and I can see their cleavage.  Their shirt is so low cut I know exactly what their bra looks like.  Yes, even in the church among Christian gals.

This training to dress in a pure way will not come without a battle from our children.  It will come with tears and anger on most young peoples parts.  We've worked with youth for 11 years and I've seen the battle up close and personal.  Especially during the adolescent years of age 11-14.  A huge change is going on in their little hearts.  One of the last transitions they are making in growing up happens during these years. I've seen moms give in to the battle with excuses.  I've seen moms hold their ground on behalf of creating holiness for their children.

One mom of four daughters I will never forget.  She had a high standard.  When it came to jeans shopping the rule was you cannot see your underwear from behind when you sit down.  That's a good standard and if you've been jeans shopping it is hard to find jeans that fit that criteria.  But this mom modeled for me that it was possible to keep the standard.  Search, pray and wait.  And at the end of the day, maybe your pair of blue jeans is not the exact look you were wanting.  That is called self-denial.

Would it be out of the realm of possibility to think God might call us to deny ourselves?  Could it be that concept is even scriptural?  Did Jesus tell us if you want to follow him you will have to deny yourself, and take up your cross daily to follow Him?

"I think modesty is so attractive and helpful in friendship, because it makes it easier for a friendship to be centered around God and for fellowship to be unhindered"

I pray that God is raising up three girls today whose Mama's are demanding modesty for them.  That somewhere in this world, three Mom's are entering into the battle for purity and holiness for their daughters who will one day become my daughters too.  That three mom's and three daughters will deny the culture and themselves and preserve themselves for a greater treasure.

My prayer for my fellow Christian Mama friends is that we will not make excuses for worldliness but we will stand the ground and deny ourselves.  That we will put in the hard work and enter into the battle to raise men and women who are holy and set-apart.  I've linked up today with a Wise Woman's Blog.

"A wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands a foolish one tears hers down." Prov14:1


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